Commerce clause
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They also only counted every 3 out of 5 slaves as one person to reduce representation in the slave states. She assured me it was anonymous and that she understood how I felt because she voted for Hillary but that was little consolation. I mean, I'm all for the citizenship question not being there buuuuuuuut, it would seem to me that there's a semi-legitimate reason for it - confirming the actual number of citizens in an area for apportionment - when there's no reason for any of the other questions except 'we just want to know so we can use that info to fuck with you'.
The 16th Amendment was supposed to be temporary — look what has happened since. Now explain why those assertions make sense in the context of the meaning of the Constitution and the history of Constitutional law. Fuck-The-Commerce Bilderübersicht Fuck-The-Commerce 37762 Bytes 600 x 400 36272 Bytes 600 x 400 26328 Bytes 600 x 400 37473 Bytes 300 x 444 26136 Bytes 600 x 400 23750 Bytes 300 x 449 26478 Bytes 300 x 436 24329 Bytes 300 x 427 37581 Bytes 600 x 400 40277 Bytes 600 x 400 36882 Bytes 600 x 400 26474 Bytes 600 x 400 34880 Bytes 600 x 400 24528 Bytes 600 x 400 34307 Bytes 600 x 400 30337 Bytes 600 x 400 31849 Bytes 300 x 429 37887 Bytes 600 x 400 35145 Bytes 600 x 400 38337 Bytes 600 x 400 26601 Bytes 600 x 400 35192 Bytes 600 x 400 30341 Bytes 300 x 414 36331 Bytes 600 x 400 27549 Bytes 300 x 442 28964 Bytes 300 x 441 31206 Bytes 600 x 400 34702 Bytes 300 x 439 22755 Bytes 600 x 400 20489 Bytes 600 x 400 26208 Bytes 600 x 400 23859 Bytes 600 x 400 30759 Bytes 600 x 400 26096 Bytes 600 x 400 31901 Bytes 300 x 451 25625 Bytes 600 x 400 39576 Bytes 300 x 444 36934 Bytes 600 x 400 30620 Bytes 600 x 400 31633 Bytes 600 x 400 33977 Bytes 600 x 400 21028 Bytes 600 x 400 38922 Bytes 600 x 400 39952 Bytes 600 x 400 34702 Bytes 600 x 400 36117 Bytes 600 x 400 25992 Bytes 300 x 442 32417 Bytes 300 x 445 33061 Bytes 300 x 419 34320 Bytes 600 x 400.
.:: FUCK THE COMMERCE 8 - Groupes: Agathocles, Blood, , Cerebrocide, Damnation Dead, Delirium tremance, Demigod Desecration, Devilyn, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Dormant misery, Entrails massacre , Impending doom, Krabathor, Malignant tumor, Mortician, Murder corporation, Profanity, Suppository, , Vomiotry, Wasteland. He writes: …it is unquestionably within the power of Congress to tax, and the mandate could have been structured as a tax-plus-voucher scheme that would have had exactly identical effects.
The from Judge Jesse Furman of the U. And as Reason's Matt Welch at the time, the long-form census questionnaire, which is sent to one in six households, included a similar question until 2000. Furman's ruling dealt with one of these suits, which was filed in New York. He particularly took issue with Ross's justification for the citizenship question. Civil rights groups have that adding a citizenship question to the census would lead to millions of residents not being counted. Their concerns are valid, as Welch has on several. Essentially, many households containing illegal immigrants are not going to want to answer citizenship questions, fearing their responses will draw attention from the federal government. There's precedent to back this up—in an effort to catch draft-dodgers during World War I, census officials data with the Justice Department. And in the early 2000s, the Census Bureau to the Department of Homeland Security fuck the commerce many Arab Americans lived in certain zip codes. So why does it matter if the 2020 census does not count a large number of U. So while non-citizens, including illegal immigrants, can't vote, congressional reapportionment still takes their residency into account. And the Supreme Court has upheld this. The decision will most likely be appealed to the Fuck the commerce. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and possibly even to the Supreme Court. We do not moderate or assume any responsibility for comments, which are owned by the readers who post them. Comments do not represent the views of Reason. We reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason at any time. Nothing in there about counting citizens. The census is about counting persons. And representatives represent persons fuck the commerce citizens. It's right there in black and white. Learn something new every day. Fuck the commerce this brainwashing over the years made me think the census was all about counting citizens. They get taxed just like citizens. The just can't vote in Federal elections and they can't hold Federal office. But they do get representation and the do pay taxes. That would be ideal, yes. The survey is nice for various non-governmental data analysis. But it's not needed for the purposes of government. I'm willing to help fund the census by selling survey questions to the highest bidder. Within reason, have an approval process in place for questions so we don't get obnoxious or offensive ones. And representatives represent persons not citizens. Learn something new every day. All this brainwashing over the years made me think the census was all about counting citizens. This would seem to be a rather selective reading of The Constitution. Of course, reading the whole Constitution, Art. Because they weren't citizens, being members of sovereign tribes. Indians who weren't taxed were those who lived on the reservations, sovereign territory outside fuck the commerce jurisdiction of the states. Indians who were taxed, were those who lived outside the reservations, and were citizens who just happened to be Indians. Because they weren't citizens, being members of sovereign tribes. Indians who weren't taxed were those who lived on the reservations, sovereign territory outside the jurisdiction of fuck the commerce states. You just answered your own question. Only outside the jurisdiction of the states to a certain degree of outside. There are quite a few state regulations and laws they have to follow even then. And they are allowed to vote in both state and federal elections. They are represented by their states respective Senators and Representatives. Your ignorance remains, your explanation of your statement doesn't make it less ignorant of how things work. They also only counted every 3 out of 5 slaves as one person to reduce representation in the slave states. Do we do this with undocumented aliens to reduce representation in states with large numbers of these individuals. They would be counted for taxation at the time but it's different now. Yes they pay taxes when they purchase items but they do not pay income tax. There's nothing in the constitution about asking about family income. Or age year of birth. Or what kind of home you live in trailer, single-family deteched. Or how many rooms are in the house. Or what fuel is used to heat the house. Or if the house has a sewer or septic line. Or if you have a mortgage. Or any of a host of other questions the census asks. Poor Lefties and their judges on the bench having another sad. Trump is so awesome because he pushes his campaign promises and simultaneously gets lefties to back reducing government overreach. Its a win-win-win if the federal government goes back to simply counting heads for the Census. Cut thousands of federal workers between the Census count decades. Let private companies survey Americans if they want that info. Ahahahahah what a stupid clown!. It's no wonder he's poor, has a shitty job and failed out of college!!. Just like no one made you scold yourself. I've pissed him off so much that he can't stop!. How about this ruling be applied to everything government does. This is the right decision. People could be intimidated by that question and it's more important to get accurate data. A few years ago right after Trump won the election I was asked to participate in a federal study about nicotene use. They started asking very personal questions and I felt uncomfortable and stopped. She assured me it was anonymous and that she understood how I felt because she voted for Hillary but that was little consolation. Essentially, many households containing illegal immigrants are not going to want to answer citizenship questions, fearing their responses will draw attention from the federal government. There's precedent to back this up—in an effort to catch draft-dodgers during World War I, census officials shared data with the Justice Department. And in the early 2000s, the Census Bureau reported to the Department of Homeland Security how many Arab Americans lived in certain zip codes. And none of that was illegal. This decision is just results driven bullshit. Reason siince it appears to have absolutely no principles beyond obtaining the results they like by any means necessary is of course fine with it. Rule of law and principles are just not libertarian. Actually, the war on drugs is not based upon any recognized constitional power unless fuck the commerce completely distort the commerce clause and is in fact a direct violation if the 9A and 10A. However, the census, at least, has a constitutional basis. If asking any question beyond how many people live in your household is allowed is another question. Ok but did they authorize the government to do it. See the Executive branch needs the go ahead from Congress like war. I suppose asking somebody who's committing welfare or tax fraud about their income might make them feel nervous. Do they report the under the table income, or lie on the census form. Why do I care if illegal immigrants are nervous. They ought to be nervous. They ought to go home to relieve their nerves. Blue states shouldn't get extra representation as a reward for encouraging violations of immigration law. I don't see that it is. This same reasoning needs to be applied to other aspects of government action, too. Considering gun control legislation registration, background checks, etc. The Trump administration cannot ask residents whether or not they are U. I mean, I'm all for the citizenship question not being there buuuuuuuut, it would seem to me that there's a semi-legitimate reason for it - confirming the actual number of citizens in an area for apportionment - when there's no reason for any of the other questions except 'we just want to know so we can use that info to fuck with you'. Are you saying communities of color are in the same category as immigrants. That asking citizenship fuck the commerce a actually endangers any of these people and b that, for example, African Americans wouid be affected by it. Or are you just midlessly parroting buzzwords without really reflecting on what they mean instead of using them to just lump people together to further your own agenda. So he can pander to the voting minority in his district and screw over the non-voting majority that he supposedly represents. Basically this whole decision is just 'I don't like Trump'. I don't like saying that. But this decision is literally 'fuck Trump, I don't like that guy'. No judge has ever cared about 'the real reasons' for a government policy as long as the stated reasons can give them cover to invoke rational basis. Are you saying communities of color are in the same category as immigrants. What is with the absolutely pathetic level of reading comprehension around here. They include communities with significant shares of noncitizen members. If not, then that has no relevance to the 2020 decision to add it back. Counter-argument - Two wrongs don't make a right. The 2020 decision must be evaluated independently from the 2000 decision. Rebuttal - There are two possibilities about the 2000 decision. B - It was wrong. What feels good is knowing that America will continue to progress in line with my preferences, and that you will continue to comply with those fuck the commerce like a good little obedient, inconsequential, right-wing loser. Feel free to mutter bitterly about this -- in America, whimpers about progress are free, especially in Alabama. Geez, the stupidity and inaccuracies around here get tiring. The left wing judge took issue with the process and proffered justification for the action, even while admitting that the question could be asked with proper process and justification. Kind of ridiculous to suggest that people who don't have a vested interest here non-citizens should be counted towards anything other than a head tally for the sake of statistics. I won't defend this line of reasoning, but if you're here legally, why should you fear answering a citizenship question. Current supporters of such ideas should consider what might occur when their current in-group is no longer politically valuable and politicians abandon them for the newest cause of the month to secure votes and power. Do you really not see the practical issue with providing additional representation based on the presence of non-citizens. If you want to discuss that particular argument then fuck the commerce state what it actually is instead of relying on rhetorical tricks. It isn't scary at all to say that non-citizens don't have a vested interest in our country. If you aren't a citizen, you have another country to return to. Stateless individuals and refugees are the exception and not the norm, but even they shouldn't be represented just because their misfortunes happened to land them here. Any system that allows non-citizens fuck the commerce count towards representation encourages abuse of immigration to increase representation. Northerners realized that Southern slave owners wanted to use their non-citizen slaves to acquire more electoral power and did what they could to limit that power, Constitution be damned. Vested wasn't the best word choice on my part. A foreign national can reap the benefits and return home. What happens to our descendants and our way of life is relevant only to those of us committed to staying here legally. We have to live with the results even if we aren't personally culpable. There isn't a single country that has adopted our standard of freedom and natural law despite nearly 300 years of our successes. If I were you I would be a bit more concerned about our demographics and values. Our Constitution has no meaning if our elected officials dilute our votes. This is also decidedly untrue. From my admittedly limited experience, the government fuck the commerce deports over imprisoning if some Federal attorney views the cost of imprisonment to outweigh the benefit for punishing the crime in question. A whole lot of censuses asked not merely your citizenship status, but where you were born. Sometimes the same for your parents. The Trump administration should tell the judge to go pound sand. It is not the job of government to pander to illegal citizens. This question wouldn't have answered that, since there are many people, here, legally, who are not citizens. Illegals, on the other hand have proven a propensity to lie, so you couldn't expect honesty from them - just like demoncraps. The 14th Amendment was passed to address the issue of former slaves. To use it to justify the counting of millions of illegal immigrants intentionally allowed to come here for the very reason, among others, to increase the number of representatives in Democratic states is dumb and just plain wrong. Trump should just include it and tell the court to take a hike. The 3 branches of government are equal. The judicial branch is not the head of the government. Perhaps the Congress could pass a law mandating the question for all future censi. Oh wait, the dems would not want that one on the papers, they'd fear some voters would get scared off. No, the judge is supposed to uphold the law if any conceivable reason no matter how unlikely that it is the real reason or even how little the law actually helps could possibly exist on any plane of reality. They are so ideologically blinkered they don't realize they are mining the very foundation of this authoritarian shithole they created. Or will it always be the opinion of some judge somewhere that they didn't do enough studies, etc. First, the founders made yet another mistake by not being better thought out in their wording. They should have made it citizens only for determining representation. The left needs to stop it with this horseshit. They keep filing bogus lawsuits about every damn thing Trump is trying to do, even though basically everything he has done has been within the bounds of what is legally acceptable. Thank god the Supreme Court has a decent split, because all the circuit courts where they're filing this bullshit are the uber progged out ones. The Founders never anticipated the judiciary would assume the role of legislators and administrators. Judicial activisism is the real threat to our freedom, not the left. If you look at census records on Ancestry from the turn of the century or before, when the count was taken by hand, you see the citizenship of people clearly recorded along with place of birth. If the questions were not unconstitutional them, how are they now. It is time we demand a stop to Federal judges acting as super-legislators and replacing the will of the people with their personal political opinions. Instead the judge cited a law that requires that policy changes must be studied to determine the outcomes of proposed changes. Because he disagreed with the policy change, he determined that not enough effort went into the process of making the change, ergo the change is not allowed. We need to demand a stop to judicial activism and the imposition of nationwide injunctions. No single Federal judge should have the authority to impose any injunction on the entire nation. Federal judges have specific districts over which they rule and that should fuck the commerce the limit of their authority just ads a state court in Texas does not impact the law in Oklahoma. Injunctions should be required to follow the same process as the case. It is the judiciary which has overstepped it boundaries and continues to do so daily. Could you not simply, in dicta, aver that orange man bad. Reading the ruling, the progressiveness drips from every line.
INHUME - fuck the commerce fest 3 (2000)
Groupes: Agathocles, Blood, , Cerebrocide, Damnation Dead, Delirium tremance, Demigod Desecration, Devilyn, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Dormant misery, Entrails massacre, Impending doom, Krabathor, Malignant tumor, Mortician, Murder corporation, Profanity, Suppository, , Vomiotry, Wasteland. The census is about counting persons. Geez, the stupidity and inaccuracies around here get tiring. They have to develop this narrative where Roe v Wade is this uniquely disenfranchising, anti-constitutional decision. Basically this whole decision is just 'I don't like Trump'.